A Prayer of Blessing
A prayer for First Families
Lord we give You thanks for the loving hearts that give our babies to us. The ones who care for their mamas and daddies as they conceive these lovely creatures and then watch over them so faithfully. The ones who deliver them and do the hard work; who care for each and every one as they come into the world. Who love, socialize, comfort, train, cuddle, guard health, guide personalities and feed little mouths. Those who with heavy hearts give them to new families with trust and faith that they will be loved as they have done. Bless them Lord, and may they know the joy they give to others as they gift to families the same with happiness, laughter and companionship by these little lives. Reward them for this selflessness as we receive the benefits of their efforts and love so richly given. May we always be grateful and remember their heartfelt love and care. Help us to remember that communication, photos and videos as their little ones grow are so appreciated and needed to help in the letting go; with the realization that they can stay close. May we know and appreciate that we are a part of their family as we welcome these babies to ours. Most of all, thank You Lord for the love that is shared with these precious additions to our lives; the sacrifice and care from beginning, middle to end. You are the Creator of all creatures; and we are grateful for this love that gives unconditionally. May first families be blessed and appreciated for the hearts they have for these babies, and for their new families and homes. Thank you for the foundation they give and bless them in and for their mission to bring such wonderful love to so many. IJNA.
God Bless!
Sarah Champie